4830 Straume Ave, Terrace, B.C. V8G 4G3

The Abba Prayer group is a charismatic prayer group exercising the charisms or gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Catholic Charismatic Renewal was founded in the Church by the Holy Spirit in 1967 as a fruit of Vatican II. It is the largest renewal movement in the Church.
For the past 40 years the prayer group has facilitated conferences, retreats, Life in the Spirit Seminars and bible studies as well as providing food and clothing for the needy. Its primary function is singing songs of praise and giving glory to God but also intercessory prayer for individuals and the needs of the church and the world. It is an ecumenical prayer group. Everyone is welcome.
Meetings are held on Thursdays from 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm in St. Luke’s room
For more information telephone:
Anita 635-6451
Daryl 635-0161